You're. Not. Done.

These three words kept ringing in my ear
as I approached my 50th birthday.

You're. Not. Done.

I had spent 25 years climbing the corporate ladder, building a successful career as a salesperson, educator, and leadership coach.
I was working for one of the most
prestigious brands in the world.

And I wasn't happy.

I felt a started as a whisper in my 40s and became a scream in my soul as I reached 50. This life...this career...this "me" that I wasn't enough.
I knew there was more for me. 

And there's more for you, too.

I Coach Because I've Been Where You Are

and we're going to help you find your fabulous again

My 50s were not what I thought they would be--a time to sit back, to be satisfied. I felt quite the opposite. I was unsettled in a way that made my skin crawl. I built a 25 year career that I was proud of, but it was not the best of what I had to offer. Add to this the unexpected end to a 13 year relationship, and I was faced with a true and very real midlife crisis--a feeling of  "Oh shit. What now?" 

But I was old enough to know my magic, my secret sauce, my superpowers. I wasn't done. I was FAR from done. And the more I shared this feeling of unrest with other women my age, it was often met with a resounding
HELL YES. I feel this, too.

But the messages we get in midlife contradict this shift in our spirits. We hear "now is not the time for taking chances", "don't give up your secure job", "you're too old to start over", "the time to chase your dreams has passed". But, I knew in my heart that NOT taking a chance on myself, not trying to design a life that served ME instead of someone else, not turning my purpose into my power--that the NOT doing, would undo ME. So, instead of fading into the background, I put on my sequins, stepped into the spotlight, and projected my voice into the cheap seats.

If you made it here, I'm guessing you've felt this way, too.
So, let me be the first to welcome you to the Pro-Aging Revolution. Buckle up. We're going places.

I started coaching because i am just like you.

i have lost jobs and friendships. I've had financial challenges and failed marriages. i've cursed the changes in my body and the lines on my face.

i've been there--and I want to help you get to the other side and love yourself again.

Denice Duff, FoundeR,
IN your face skincare

"Jen embodies the word influencer with her heart, soul and humor. Women trust her because she talks to them and with them--
not just at them. Big difference."


book a session with me!

Feeling like you lost your confidence? 
Want to find your style again?
Looking for a community of like minded hype
women who are thriving in midlife?
Need some inspiration and encouragement
to take some big steps in your second half?
Don't know where to begin?

Need A
Professional Hype Girl In Your Life?